

besten Dank Monet

auf Arches CP
inspiriert von Joseph Branko

6 Kommentare:

Laura hat gesagt…

Janina I just love your work. I envy the person that gets this to hang on their wall. Just beautiful.

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity hat gesagt…

Janina this is gorgeous. so bezutiful. Love the sc3ne.
lovely greet and nice weekend

Polly Birchall hat gesagt…

This is so amospheric, look of Monet about it.

Oñera hat gesagt…

Una acuarela preciosa, Janina. ¡Fantástica!
Un abrazo.

Sharon Whitley hat gesagt…

Janina I've just commented on this on ID&P - not realising I was already following your blog - love all your watercolours, your style is wonderful

renate hat gesagt…

Hello Janina:) Wow, this is so beautiful. Love it!

Rose II 2025