


Aquarell auf Fabriano HP

10 Kommentare:

Eusebio Sanchez Alvarez hat gesagt…

Preciosos Tulipanes, son una maravilla.
Parece una ventana abierta al prado.
Mi enhorabuena y felicitaciones por la obra.

Catharina Engberg hat gesagt…

I have been looking at the homepage where you bought your paper. Thank you! The paper looks as it is fine Arches when I see your paintings. They look very soft. I like them alot. You have been busy painting the last days, haven´t you.
I am waiting for new material from "Artistica". Lots of paper and also some Winson & Newton watercolour. It allways feels like christmas when I get new artist material :)
Take care!

Cora hat gesagt…

These are very colorful tulips. I like the colors you used and how you did the background. Beautiful work.

Blaga hat gesagt…

How beautiful these tulips are and what a lovely movement! I so crave spring and flowers...

Oñera hat gesagt…

Fantásticos tulipanes Janina, que anuncian que la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina.
Un abrazo.

Jane hat gesagt…

A superb interpretation of tulips, great movement and fusion of colors.

Merce Ares hat gesagt…

Hermosos tulipanes, una verdadera obra de arte!!!!!

Fortu hat gesagt…

Preciosos tulipanes, magnífica acuarela!!!

Studio at the Farm hat gesagt…

Beautiful tulips, Janina! Their position and the background makes them appear to be blowing in the wind.

hmuxo hat gesagt…

These tulips are painted beautifully, Janina!...love the pinks ..and soft background.

Peonies I 2025

Peonies I 2025 (T2) 30x40cm / Watercolour by ©janinaB.