

Blumen in der Vase

Aquarell auf Arches CP

5 Kommentare:

Polly Birchall hat gesagt…

Very beautiful

Catharina Engberg hat gesagt…

I use to study your way of painting very closely. I love the way that you often put some darknes or colour out in the corners. And I am also fond of Arches, witch brings a kind of softness to the result. This painting is lovely, and I also had a look at the last post painting, witch was a bit different for you, but still very nice! Wish you a lovely weekend.

renate hat gesagt…

Was schönes Janina:) Wirklich schön gemalt. Der neue Hintergrund von Ihrem Blog ist auch sehr schön zu sehen! Ein sehr schönes Wochenende:) Xx

AK hat gesagt…

This is lovely. Great job.

Blaga hat gesagt…

This bouquet is fantastic! I didn't visit your blog for a while and have missed many wonderful works

Rose II 2025