

Lins Tomaten

Aquarell auf Arches
    die liebe Lin hat mich zum Tomaten-malen inspiriert und ich danke Ihr dafür;-)

4 Kommentare:

Rita Vaselli hat gesagt…




Dear Janina, because you're in my blog roll I always see your work and I appreciate very much what you paint and the skill with which you do it.
Once we even had a dialogue with the comments.
One year from the beginning of my blogging activity I see is normal. We have contacts that you always keep and others that slip through.
Replaced by other interests and other contacts. This morning I want to greet you and congratulate you for the beautiful work you paint with watercolors and your beautiful photographs.Have nice painting days!Rita.

Lin hat gesagt…

Oh Janina -- what a marvelous work!!!! Blessings for your kindness ... I LOVE the washiness and the looseness and your colors!!! I cannot tell you how much I admire the way you work!!! BRAVA!

Jutta Richter hat gesagt…

Wow, das ist super. Mit ein paar Pinselstrichen zauberst Du ein Wahnsinns-Tomaten-Stillleben! ****

K Marie Peikert hat gesagt…

Beautiful work!

Rose II 2025